Week Three
I also began my research for my second HealthFocus article assignment on the TiadlHealth and Salisbury University's future collaboration regarding the installation of Epic! at SU's SIM center. Megan also encouraged I brainstorm ideas for the next newsletter looking into next week.
Additionally, I attended an oncology presentation for the seniors' program. On Feb. 9, I helped Megan set up for the program an hour early, and stayed throughout the presentation until about 3 p.m. During the presentation, I signed in attendees, but I also took notes and got quotes for an article on Dr. John Mansueti, MD, which will be featured in TidalHealth’s Wellness Wave. During the presentation, I learned about all the oncology treatment TidalHealth offers and the strides that doctors have made to fight cancer. I got quotes during the presentation and plan to use them to write an article later this semester.
To finish the week off, I attended a promo item meeting. Multiple members of the communication department were reviewing potential promo items for future events. I got to sit in and get a first-look at the preparation that goes into planning events and advertising initiatives, like merchandise.
Sample Work: Here are the two transcriptions from my interviews with Dr. Mark Weisman and Jenny Harsin this week. Transcription took a while because I had to listen and make accurate each interview was accurate. It took an hour or so for each transcription, as each interview had detailed, informative, and lengthy quotes. I spent a lot time researching my TidalHealth and SU article, sending emails and making phone calls for potential quotes and additional information. I also spent a lot of time scheduling interviews, interviewing, setting up the seniors' presentations, and attending the promo meeting.