Week Four
This week Megan wanted me to work on an article based on the Dr. Mansueti notes and quotes I had taken last week. I plenty of information and spare time, so I wrote two articles, both rough drafts, each covering a different angle. I also provided a rough draft of an updated Bio for Dr. John Mansueti, MD, as well. We then narrowed it down to one article, and I made another rough draft. I also completed a rough drat of the TidalHealth MyChart article. I also conitnued researching and reaching out for my SU SIM Center article from last week.
I also attended Wicomico Goes Purple meeting. Multiple businesses, companies, organizations, and community members attended this meeting to get information on the Wicomico Goes Purple Event to spread awareness about drug use. In addition to this meeting, I made edits to my HealthFocus and Wellness Wave articles. I also continued working on the March newsletter for the senior program. MyChart/Simulation articles, Mansueti article and edits.
Sample work: I've embedded my February Health Observances, and all drafts of my MyChart and Dr. Mansueti articles completed during this week below.